Press green to save then restart the box (Menu, Standby / Restart, Restart) Now we need to configure the guide to show the picons. If you press Guide you’ll notice the listings are mostly missing You should now be able to view all channels you entitled to by your Sky subscription Then enable autostart (Blue, Softcam Manager, Blue- Enable Startup) Once installed you need to start Cccam (Blue, Softcam Manager, Green- Start Cccam.2.2.1) Now install the package (Menu, Setup, Vix, Install Local Extension) Once complete you should be able to view free to air channelsĭownload enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk from Now run a Service Scan (Menu, Setup, Service Searching, Automatic Scan)